A warm welcome to our 2021-2022 Annual Report. PPCG has continued to place clients and residents at the centre of our work, responding with compassion and care to the practical, psychosocial and support needs of individuals, families and community groups.
We have continued to provide our full range of services: information, referral, support, financial counselling, advocacy; pantry goods, fresh food
and meals; and essential items. We have done this through contactless deliveries, in-person, online and virtually. It has been a welcome change to again provide more of our services in-person. This includes: education and skills development courses; social and recreational activities; and social meals. Returning to regular events, familiar places and faces has helped many people to reconnect and look to the future.
We have achieved a lot in the first year of our Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and we are proud to be able to share it all with you in this Annual Report.